It is a bilingual dictionary with English to Tamil and Tamil to English Meaning. If you are reading EBook/PDF/Internet pages etc and have some doubt with word no need to minimize the thing you are reading. Simply select the word and copy. It will give you the result. It consists more than 3.2 lakh+ words. It have most of the words which published by OED(Oxford University Press), Chambers , Collins, Longman, Macmillan and Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary.
Services Incorporated
1. English Tamil Dictionary
2. Tamil English Dictionary
3. Copy to get meaning on the spot
4. Google Word Definition/Image/Search on click
5. Bookmarks with date and time.
6. History with time and date
7. Day and Night Theme
8. Share your result option
9. Pronounce the word
Note :
1. Rich version of the dictionary named Tamil Dictionary Ultimate is also available. Which includes (English to English Meaning, word usage in sentences, antonyms, synonym etc.
2. If you have installed Tamil Dictionary Ultimate don't install this dictionary (Tamil Dictionary Pro). Because Tamil Dictionary Ultimate covers all function , vocabulary with Pro version and includes more which is not available with Pro version.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>